​Taxation and Assessment
School Division Education Portion of Property Taxes
The Village of Torquay is responsible for collecting Education Property Tax from property owners on behalf of the Provincial Government. The Board of Education relies on property taxes to support education throughout the province. The Village of Torquay collects the Education Taxes and forwards to the government.
Paying Your Taxes
Payment Methods
The Village of Torquay offers the following options to pay for your taxes:
Pay at the Town Office during regular business hours- cash, and cheque accepted.
Pay by mail: Village of Torquay PO Box 6 Torquay, SK S0C 2L0. If you are mailing your payment, please allow ample time for your payment to be postmarked by Canada Post on or before the due date.
Pay by online banking at Torquay Credit Union your account number is located on the tax notice.
Pay by e-transfer to villageoftorquay@sasktel.net. Please comment with your address in the message. ​​General Information
Your property tax bill covers the period from January 1 to December 31.
Property taxes are due December 31.
You will receive a 6% discount from January till August, 5% in September and 4% in October, 2% in November. After that there will be no discount.
Taxes remaining unpaid December 31 will incur an additional 2% penalty monthly. Tax enforcement proceedings will commence as per The Tax Enforcement Act if taxes remain unpaid for an extended period of time.
The Village of Torquay offers all taxpayers the opportunity to make monthly payments rather than making a single annual payment.
All charges on a tax account become the responsibility of the registered owner of the property.
Non-receipt of your property tax notice does not exempt you from penalty due to late payment.
You cannot appeal your taxes or your tax rate, you can only appeal your assessment and only when the assessment roll is open.
Unpaid charges for utility services supplied to a property may be added to the tax roll, whether the service was supplied to the owner or the tenant of the property. This is subject to provision provincially legislated in The Municipalities Act.